
Showing posts from September, 2020

The Reason

When I was was eight months pregnant with my second child, my ex-boyfriend died of a drug overdose. He was a sweet man with a wonderful soul, but he had demons from growing up he couldn't fight. At his memorial seeing his mother while I was pregnant was overwhelming... all hurt adults are the babies mothers carried in their wombs; seemingly blank slates, but at the same time inheritors of generations of trauma and trials. Like every generation of parent that has come before us, to be a parent in this day and age is an unprecedented challenge. Constant media and its ability to deliver any and every kind of information continuously, has evolved has further complicated everything it seems. Our economic system based on continuous consumption and exponential profits has put the health of our bodies and world in peril. Yet at the same time all these things can give us the tools to find our way out, if we can focus enough to do so. I have wanted to start this blog to talk about how a